
While synthetic organic polymers and polymer networks existed before Hermann Staudinger put forward his Macromolecular Hypothesis in 1920, both of these polymeric materials saw tremendous development and expansion after this Hypothesis, and, sometimes, because of it. This article overviews in tutorial style the history, chemistry, properties, uses,...

This brief perspective overviews amphiphilic polymer co-networks (APCNs), polymeric chemically crosslinked hydrogels also covalently hosting a hydrophobic segment, conferring upon these materials the important property of internal selforganization in aqueous environments. APCN synthesis is most conveniently accomplished via the random crosslinking...

Dynamic covalent polymer networks represent a rapidly emerging class of polymeric materials, capable of self-repairing when mechanically damaged. These materials also possess the ability to being dissolved and reformed, conferring upon objects made of such materials a longer service life, with positive economic and environmental impacts. While most...

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